Weight loss after birth

after birth weight lose

Bidding during pregnancy is a normal process, which provides health and nutrition of the baby. Weakening after birth may be slow - much slower than you want. For many mothers, it is worry. Note that these are cumulative weight extended to 9 months and can not expect to download them to birth. Do not mistake to rush to the diets immediately after birth. Even if you are pregnant, you probably stern, and your baby needs a complete mess. The mere process of breast-feeding leads to weight loss - about 500 calories a day burned for the production of milk.
Eat healthy and move more - this will weaken more easily after birth. Perhaps your doctor has recommended you to make a complex and raztyagashti to exercise at least six weeks after birth. Actually, at that time will hardly be sought, and will hardly have time for such exercises.
During the initial recovery after birth, however you could leave for a walk with the baby. Walking away is good and nenatovarvashto exercise, which will not only contribute to your health, but also will help the process of weakening. Walk is a good means of coping with depression sledrodilnata (if any).
If you have not yet done so, it is good to buy suitable clothes. While weaken enough so as to fit in your clothes before pregnancy will probably take much longer. On the other hand, you will no longer have this huge belly and clothes which have been during the pregnancy will be unusable. If you get new clothes that you like, this will reduce the stress of difficult and slow weight loss, and will increase your confidence.
Some tips for successful weight loss and health:

* Initially, start with less and exercise more slowly, since risk is low or get muscle injuries.
* Eat healthy - more fruits and vegetables. Avoid sweet foods, fats, etc.
* Eat at least several times a day. This may have rules and during pregnancy (especially when you are fighting with nausea morning) and want to continue in this way. This will ensure the body more stable flow of nutrients and energy and will accelerate your metabolism.
* Avoid pseudo-healthy foods - such as skimmed milk.
* Drink more water - avoid juices. As you seems strange juices have many calories.
* When walking baby kangaroo backpack use - thus izgaryate more calories.
* If the stern, no need to take less in 1500 calories a day. Otherwise it will affect your body and on the baby. You can not provide proper amount of nutrients for the baby.