Separate feeding system Sheltan - Part 1

Separate feeding system Sheltan - Part 1

Separate eating

Sheltan has developed a number of tables line of products in separate meal. They show their degree of compatibility of different products (the most familiar to the exotic). Here are some of the rules listed in the tables of Sheltan:
- Only green vegetables are combined with everything!
- Are clearly incompatible with carbohydrate protein, starch and acids or in other words, it is recommended not to eat meat with potatoes, pasta with tomatoes, etc.
- Fats are not compatible with carbohydrates - can not, for example, to eat fresh cream, strawberries with cream and even sandwiches.
- Milk can only be combined with acidic fruit.
- Cantaloupe and watermelon can be consumed only by self!
- Salads should not contain starch (such as, for example, potatoes), proteins (such as eggs or shrimp), to exclude any kind of fat (like olive oil and spices containing fats and oils) and acids (such as vinegar or lemon juice). Also must be excluded and salt.
- Sugar, syrup and honey Sheltan excluded from separate tables for eating, because they do not combine well with any other products, and generally it is best not to consume all.

For those who choose to eat separately, Sheltan recommended diet following:
Breakfast - fruit, fruit salad, cheese, sour cream sandwich on whole bran bread with butter or cheese curd.

To prepare dinner, it is advisable to use products which are rich in carbohydrates, because they are well utilized by the body. Adhering to the nutrition division, you can eat potatoes or carrots zapekanka, macaroni with cheese, fresh fruit and more.

It is advisable to prepare dinner from protein-rich products. It may consist of meat or fish dishes, a large portion of salad, vegetables, fruit.

May start to separate food when you want. You can switch to it gradually, for example, you begin to eat in accordance with its once a week. The effect of separate meal will feel, however, after two or three months.