Separate feeding system Sheltan - Part 1

Separate feeding system Sheltan - Part 1

Separate eating

Sheltan has developed a number of tables line of products in separate meal. They show their degree of compatibility of different products (the most familiar to the exotic). Here are some of the rules listed in the tables of Sheltan:
- Only green vegetables are combined with everything!
- Are clearly incompatible with carbohydrate protein, starch and acids or in other words, it is recommended not to eat meat with potatoes, pasta with tomatoes, etc.
- Fats are not compatible with carbohydrates - can not, for example, to eat fresh cream, strawberries with cream and even sandwiches.
- Milk can only be combined with acidic fruit.
- Cantaloupe and watermelon can be consumed only by self!
- Salads should not contain starch (such as, for example, potatoes), proteins (such as eggs or shrimp), to exclude any kind of fat (like olive oil and spices containing fats and oils) and acids (such as vinegar or lemon juice). Also must be excluded and salt.
- Sugar, syrup and honey Sheltan excluded from separate tables for eating, because they do not combine well with any other products, and generally it is best not to consume all.

For those who choose to eat separately, Sheltan recommended diet following:
Breakfast - fruit, fruit salad, cheese, sour cream sandwich on whole bran bread with butter or cheese curd.

To prepare dinner, it is advisable to use products which are rich in carbohydrates, because they are well utilized by the body. Adhering to the nutrition division, you can eat potatoes or carrots zapekanka, macaroni with cheese, fresh fruit and more.

It is advisable to prepare dinner from protein-rich products. It may consist of meat or fish dishes, a large portion of salad, vegetables, fruit.

May start to separate food when you want. You can switch to it gradually, for example, you begin to eat in accordance with its once a week. The effect of separate meal will feel, however, after two or three months.

two-week weight loss program

This article will address all want quick and easy weight loss. Will describe a very simple two-week weight loss program that will reach the desired figure absolutely natural.

Weight loss

Weight loss program consists of a rule, follow it precisely and achieve success:

During the program for weight loss eat three times a day.

Replace dinner with fruit and vegetables or some soup without bread. Dinner should be at oskadnoto eat during the day, because after dinner not perform who knows what movements should not combustible and no calories. Degradable food difficult when sleep due to the horizontal position of the body.

- After 19:30 any meal. Watch privarshili with you to dinner this time. It's for people with normal bedtime mode, which is also of great importance in weakening.

- After dinner, go out for a walk for about 30 minutes.

- Avoid dry foods.

- No hamburgers and sweets. Everyone knows why Americans suffer from obesity.

- Eat slowly and calmly. Mastication good food.

- Take 45 minutes of your day for physical exercises and loads.

- Never starving. Will benefit from starvation, except temporarily weaken and then incredibly spread. Eat so as to be City. During this program to weaken much do you exercise, which will require energy from food.

Follow these tips closely and will achieve much in these two weeks.

Eat healthy and never have problems with weight gain and overweight. Everyone needs a different amount of food. The quantity of food to take should be determined by yourself.

The only thing you need to know is not to excess and reduce some of the current amount, together with that increase physical activity. Not least poizpotite not weaken.

Naturally, if you change their diets and eat regularly and not less sustaining food will have an effect, but very slow.

To effectively weakening match correctly appropriate diet and exercise appropriate to it.

Quick Weight Loss
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Lunar Diet

Homeopathy - Homeopathy as a medical assistant psihosomatichnata

Homeopathy - Homeopathy as a medical assistant psihosomatichnata

Homeopathy, psihomatichna medicine Okstsilokoktsinum, Stodal - syrup Korizaliya, Homeozhen 9 Homeovoks, Homeovoks, Homeovoks, Rudistrol, Homeoplazmin, Sedatif PS, Kyuetyud, Kokulin, Nevrosintezin, Gastrosinezin, Osteosenezin, Zhenoverin granules

Homeopathy is as assistant

хомеопатия, психоматична медицина, Оксцилококцинум,Стодал - сироп, Коризалия, Хомеожен 9, Хомеовокс, Хомеовокс, Хомеовокс, Рудистрол, Хомеоплазмин, Седатиф ПС, Кюетюд, Кокулин,Невросинтезин,Гастросинезин, Остеосенезин, Женоверин гранули

psihosomatichnata of Medicine.

Homeopathy is a medical assistant psihosomatichnata. It is one part of science, which allows for treatment in a very small signal levels for a "Klin, killing wedge", ie a small amount of a substance that is normally toxic, can provide health based - interaction with the necessary receptors in the body. It briefly meet with some versions of the company "BOARON, France.

Okstsilokoktsinum are granules that act in preventive and curative flu and colds. Prophylactic dose given 1 week under globuli languages. In the beginning of influenza granules 1 dose as soon as possible. Given 3 times every 6 hours. Can be used in infants and young children, the granules dissolve in water, give a spoon. Stodal - syrup bottle of 200 ml. is given in all types of cough and much help: lanigiti, traheiti, bronchitis, COPD (chronic bronchitis elastic). Adult 4 times 1 sup. spoon for children 4 times in 1 tea spoon.

Korizaliya wrapped tablets - they put 2x2 boards. into the language and are very suitable for all types of rhinitis, allergic rhinitis and sinuiti, symptomatic wounds and rinosinuit. In children and adults given 1 tablet nav seki hours to 12 hours from the first reception. Then 2x2 or 3x2 tablets under the tongue.

Homeozhen 9 - tablets in garlobol, laryngitis, presipnalost, Globe histerikus 3x2 tablets under the tongue in acute cases 1 tablet every hour.

Homeovoks - tablets wrapped in subhordalen laryngitis, loss of voice, presipnalost, fatigue voice connections psihogenna presipnalost 5x2 tablets under the tongue.

Rudistrol - cream in tube 40 in the town very suitable artrozi, arthritis, mioziti, poliartroza, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic and muscular pain. It namazva 3 times daily with vtrivane a sick place.

Homeopathy, psihomatichna medicine Okstsilokoktsinum, Stodal - syrup Korizaliya, Homeozhen 9 Homeovoks, Homeovoks, Homeovoks, Rudistrol, Homeoplazmin, Sedatif PS, Kyuetyud, Kokulin, Nevrosintezin, Gastrosinezin, Osteosenezin, Zhenoverin granules

Homeopathy enables

therapy in very low, signaling

quantities of a "Klin, wedge

killing ", ie a small amount of substance

which is usually toxic, may

nd health insurance on the basis --

zaimodeystvie with appropriate receptors

in the body.

Homeoplazmin - in the ointment tube from 40 d in different dermatosis, hacking, ohluzvaniya, I degree burns and local nose in rhinitis and rinosinuiti. Mazaniyata are 3 times a day.

Sedatif PS - packing 40 pieces. Protivotrevozhen good effect. In the tense anxiety, emotional labilnost, irritability, psihodiskomfort, sleep disorders. In children and adults 3x2 tablets smukane.

Kyuetyud - syrup bottle of 200 ml. Applies for children over 1 year in nervousness, psihodiskomfort, insomnia and anxiety. Always on a doctor.

Kokulin - tablets in a package of 30 pieces. Very good result in nausea, dizziness, sinking, disease journey vertizhen syndrome. 3x2 tablets for children and adults.

Nevrosintezin - tablets pack of 60 pieces. Very suitable for headache, nevralgii, migraine, psihodiskomfort. 1, 2 tablets under the tongue 2-3 hours for children and adults.

Gastrosinezin - tablets pack of 60 pieces. Very suitable for: gastritis, gastroduodeniti, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, svrahdraznim stomach acids origvaniya, burning. With 1.2 tablets every 30.60 minutes to resolved symptoms in children and adults.

Osteosenezin - tablets pack of 60 pieces. In generalized osteoporosis, fresh bone fractures, bone pain, joint inflammation, interference in the growth of child late call teeth 3x2 tablets under the tongue for children and ages.

Homeopathy, psihomatichna medicine Okstsilokoktsinum, Stodal - syrup Korizaliya, Homeozhen 9 Homeovoks, Homeovoks, Homeovoks, Rudistrol, Homeoplazmin, Sedatif PS, Kyuetyud, Kokulin, Nevrosintezin, Gastrosinezin, Osteosenezin, Zhenoverin granules

Monopreparatite may be

appointed only


in homeopathy doctors

Zhenoverin granules in packs of 125 gr - in recovery from illness, disturbances in growth, physical discomfort, improving water soleviya balance. For children and adults from 1 to 6 lazh tea. daily. This is only part of the aid that may prove homeopathy psihosomatichno of patients. It can be combined with classical instruments and medicated to be appointed only by physicians specialized homeopathy.

There are still 150 monopreparata who may be appointed only by specialist doctors homeopathy. Homeopathy and psihosomatika not sound bad, right?

Weight loss after birth

after birth weight lose

Bidding during pregnancy is a normal process, which provides health and nutrition of the baby. Weakening after birth may be slow - much slower than you want. For many mothers, it is worry. Note that these are cumulative weight extended to 9 months and can not expect to download them to birth. Do not mistake to rush to the diets immediately after birth. Even if you are pregnant, you probably stern, and your baby needs a complete mess. The mere process of breast-feeding leads to weight loss - about 500 calories a day burned for the production of milk.
Eat healthy and move more - this will weaken more easily after birth. Perhaps your doctor has recommended you to make a complex and raztyagashti to exercise at least six weeks after birth. Actually, at that time will hardly be sought, and will hardly have time for such exercises.
During the initial recovery after birth, however you could leave for a walk with the baby. Walking away is good and nenatovarvashto exercise, which will not only contribute to your health, but also will help the process of weakening. Walk is a good means of coping with depression sledrodilnata (if any).
If you have not yet done so, it is good to buy suitable clothes. While weaken enough so as to fit in your clothes before pregnancy will probably take much longer. On the other hand, you will no longer have this huge belly and clothes which have been during the pregnancy will be unusable. If you get new clothes that you like, this will reduce the stress of difficult and slow weight loss, and will increase your confidence.
Some tips for successful weight loss and health:

* Initially, start with less and exercise more slowly, since risk is low or get muscle injuries.
* Eat healthy - more fruits and vegetables. Avoid sweet foods, fats, etc.
* Eat at least several times a day. This may have rules and during pregnancy (especially when you are fighting with nausea morning) and want to continue in this way. This will ensure the body more stable flow of nutrients and energy and will accelerate your metabolism.
* Avoid pseudo-healthy foods - such as skimmed milk.
* Drink more water - avoid juices. As you seems strange juices have many calories.
* When walking baby kangaroo backpack use - thus izgaryate more calories.
* If the stern, no need to take less in 1500 calories a day. Otherwise it will affect your body and on the baby. You can not provide proper amount of nutrients for the baby.

Best Diets

Natural plain chocolate
* Interesting

Many of us often face the dilemma before: "To eat or not eat?". You know what it is - for chocolate, of course. Long already know that it is napalnyava, although there are diets that are based on chocolate. Probably remember - one of 100 chocolate on the day and nothing but water. Very comfortable and easy diet, where only hard to resist and the result of it is dubious.
We know also that if afford chocolate, preferably natural. Since Cocoa is a very useful food must choose chocolate based 70 percent cocoa. There are other benefits of consumption of natural black chocolate. At 40 grams (small chocolate) black black chocolate contains 28 mg caffeine and if you are a coffee lover, Here's a delicious substitute, as long as it does not become a habit to hapvate every day of such "coffee." Science has proven many benefits of chocolate and cocoa, but more of them we have already mentioned.
I will give you one more argument in favor of sweets.

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Gymnastics - to preserve youth and health
* Fitness

Life go by young, strong, neznaeshti that is tired, we humans gradually aging, losing their physical capabilities, and sometimes we press some such diseases, where some call them "old." And our offensive, and sighing at the youth, and still is machim to say what we could, 20, 30, 50 .... We instead vazdishame to do something better - to protect their young spirit and young body. Years to be nizhat, people have long said: "It is not important how you look but how." Is there a way to look good regardless of the years and what is he? The answer is simple: tourism, walking, clean air, hardening, physical labor, adequate and quality sleep, proper nutrition and pleasant vacation. There is still something very important - daily gymnastics, very nice and very helpful.
Physical exercises have stimulating effects on endocrine. Under their influence improved tone of the whole organism. Muscles become more elastic and strong, their mass increases. Bones become more durable and long joints retain their functional mobility. To improve the metabolism. To remove unnecessary fat, increases the need for oxygen, and the work of the heart and lungs become more vigorous. To improve mental condition and retain the clarity of mind to preklonna age. Even if we acquire any disease as osteoporosis, high blood, diabetes, etc., easier to handle its events because Thought "movement is life." Is not a phrase goals and proven true.

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Aromatic oils in our home

* Interesting

Even in ancient times people were aware of the influence of spices on the emotional state and health of people and have benefited from them. Many of some aromatic oils are particularly useful and pleasant for our house and natural for us as its inhabitants.
Art of aromoterapiyata for centuries has izrabotilo many methods of essential oils. Most often these are aromatic lamps. For flavoring kileri or large cabinets used pomanderi - sealed butilchitsi or garnentsa of sitnoporesta ceramics. Where appropriate, what oils to use?

In the hallway - oils and antibacterial effects antigabichno
For flavoring and disinfecting shelves shoes match with lemon oil and lemon grass. Appropriate and oils are derived from plants of juniper, but mostly - chaeno tree oil, because it not only has a pleasant aroma, but with strong antibacterial and antigabichno action.

In the kitchen - small oils against pests
If you visited ants that hard do not want to leave your home, natopete small brush in lavender oil and a few places presechete their paths.

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Salad of rice and mussels
* Recipes
250 g rice
150 g cleaned and cooked mussels
2 hard boiled eggs
3 tablespoons oil
2 tomatoes
Salt, black pepper and vinegar to taste.

1. Cleaning and washing rice to the bay with a double amount of water (500 ml), add salt and black pepper. Stick to leave, reduced the power of fire and boiled 15 minutes. Remove from fire. Should not be left a large amount of water.

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Blackcurrant - vitamin concentrate

* Food

Nature, creating blackcurrant plant, created a natural vitamin concentrate. Content of vitamin C (160 - 200 mg%) Blackcurrant back only hip and rakitnika, and vitamin D (1000 - 2138 mg%) - only aroniyata and black mulberry. Daily dose of vitamin C needed to man can get only 15-20 g fresh fruit blackcurrant. It is important to know that the amount of enzymes in them, destroyed ascorbic acid, is a small, meaning that when properly preservation (freezing, drying, preparation of juices, syrups) vitamin C is retained. This makes the fruit suitable for use in any season. Berries are also rich in organic acids (1.9 - 3.7%). Citric acid predominates. Of mineral salts are the largest quantities of potassium (290 - 320 mg%), calcium (44 - 48mg%), phosphorus (35 - 45 mg%), magnesium (15 -19 mg%), iron (0.9 -- 1.6 mg%). Are significant quantities of trace elements such as: manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum, fluorine, iodine. Of sugar, which are 7 - 12 percent overall, fructose and glucose prevail.
Energy value of 100 g of fruit is 48 mud, which makes this product suitable for people respecting diets.
From the very ancient times Blackcurrant enjoys medical purposes. It is particularly useful product for those suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension, because the great amount of vitamin D prevent the degenerative processes in capillaries walls. Blackcurrant consumption increased protective forces of the human body and has a prophylactic effect against colds and infectious diseases.

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Exercises in constipation
* Fitness

The complex should be approximately the same time morning.
1. Samomasazh the abdomen with slight movements for 2-5 minutes. Work in the direction opposite to the clockwise, making large circles.

2. I. pp. - On your knees. Count with a moderate pace.
1 arms export front up over head, having vdishva deep, 2 hands to pitch back, go behind the body, a body and head down to bow down expiratory until forehead touches the floor. Exercise improves intra-thoracic and abdominal pressure and has a massage effect on the abdominal organs, resulting in increased peristalsis of intestine and move more quickly chrevnoto content.
Repeat 6 - 8 times.

3. I. pp. - Front leg. Hands are izpanati people with fists and placed on the floor side of the thighs. Legs were collected and tightened, fingers are as izpanati.

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Nutrition in constipation

* Interesting

For the proper functioning of the body emptying the bowel is one of the most important life processes. Violations of the complex nerve-reflex process undoubtedly have a negative impact on the whole organism. Indiscriminate use of different ochistitelni slabitelni and in most cases is unnecessary and contributes injury. Most of these drugs cause provocation of the lining of the intestines, distort the regularity of intestinal activity, completely emptied of their contents intestine. It is clear that a further depletion of the intestines can not happen before they passed new 48 hours. Concerned by this fact, many are quick to take another laxative means, thus unwittingly become a reason to keep them in a permanent constipation, which becomes chronic.
Remember that true constipation can speak only when emptying the bowel is performed less frequently than once every three days. In this case stools are dry, hard texture and low quantity. Like constipation actually may be a reason for the occurrence of headache, seizures of migraine, bezapetitie, reduction of working capacity, lack of concentration, a weakening of the reactions, bad breath from the mouth, tongue taxation, general malaise, increased gazoobrazuvane red labilnost nervous. But all these complaints can be strengthened by including the frequent use of depletive which may cause than this provocation of the lining and more serious complications: bleeding, hemoroidalni bolkovi crisis and others.
The reasons for the occurrence of chronic constipation are varied. Undoubtedly lifestyle and nutrition are of great importance.

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* Massage and Spa Therapies

Massage stimulates circulation, clamp muscles, regulate the function of fatty glands and nerves peace. The end result is beautiful skin type and youth. Personnel facial is difficult, especially while learning movement. Massage made by cosmetic testing is the most useful and quality, but if you learn a few movements, and can help themselves. Remember that you must follow the right direction, not darpate skin, touch light and delicate. We need to do massage every day to keep youth and elasticity of your skin.
Before massage your face and clean it properly namazhete cream so that your hands to slide in the skin, not to darpat and strain. No rough pressure! If you have a sensitive skin, you must be very careful.

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* Interesting

Riganat (Origanum vulgare L.) is a perennial grass. Growing throughout the country, is cultivated because it contained essential oil.
Used strakovete of oregano (Herba Origani). Surface of the plant is collected during flowering (June-July). Strakovete be cut to 20-22 cm from the top and landfall on the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of 35 ° C. When bilkata well dried, is slightly bitter taste. Store in shady and provetrivo place.
Riganat contains many useful ingredients: essential oil (0,15-0,4%), tan (8%), bitter substance flavonoidi, carotene, vitamin C and others.
In our White oregano (Origanum heracleoticum L.) is used for seasoning in the dishes of poultry and sauces for spaghetti, lasagna, pizza. It has an aroma and taste like savory.
The plant has a powerful healing effects. Riganat acting tranquilizer in othrachvashto and cough; potogonno in traheit, acute and chronic bronchitis, pertussis.

Spring diet

Spring diet
Diet is very appropriate to do in the spring.

Spring diet

Weakened to a week about 4 kg.

* From 1st day to 3rd days

Cos of lettuces, radishes and cucumbers. Do not put oil.
You can add soy sauce or salt diet.
Eat from salad 3 times a day as you like.

* From 4th to 5th days

Yogurt pail to 5 per day.

* From 6th to 7th days

Any fruit you want. You can make fruit salad.
Do not eat bananas - you maximum of 1 banana a day.

Consumed at least 1.5 l mineral water.
If sports will be able to download more.

Good luck!

English diet for 21 days

English diet for 21 days

Losing weight is 10 kg. In nestrogo adherence to the diet of weight reduction is 5-6 kg.
Belongs to a strict diet diets, it is necessary during the implementation to drink polivitamini.

It is best to apply once a year, as it is stressful to the body.

1 and 2 days
Breakfast: a glass of milk u piece of bread.
13.00 hours: a glass of milk.
16.00 hours: a glass of milk u piece of bread.
19.00 hours: a glass of milk.
Night before sleep - a glass of tomato juice.

3 and 4 days
Breakfast: coffee with milk without sugar, a piece of bread, half a spoonful of oil, half a spoonful of honey.
13.00: a cup of meat or fish broth, 150-200 g boiled meat, fish, 2 spoonfuls of green peas, 1 slice bread.
16.00: one glass of milk or tea, half a spoonful of honey.
19.00: 2 eggs or 50 g cheese or meat (fish) or postna ham, or a glass of milk, 1 piece of bread.

5 and 6 days
Breakfast: two oranges and two apples.
13.00: vegetable soup without potatoes, seasoned with 1 s. l. vegetable oil, salad with vegetable oil, 1 piece of bread.
16.00: free banana fruit.
19.00: salad, half a spoonful of honey, a cup of tea.

Then began repeating to 21 days.
In this first two days remain unchanged, and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 may be changed, ie instead of 3 and 4 to use the menu on 5 and 6 days (to have diversity in some sense).


* In the days milk bread can be prepicha;
* In the days of fish-meat diet is quite filling, so select a small amount of portions;
* If you do not like green peas, you can not use it.
* Acceptance of the food in a specific time can adjust it so that you to your convenience. For example, instead of dinner at 13.00 to amend it with 1 hours forward or back, etc.

english diet

How to leave the diet?
After the diet is the best out of it using milk day.
It is further to adhere to food intake in hours. This will help distsiplinirate yourself and your body, even if you have not achieved the desired result, but will also priuchite to follow moderation in diet strictly hourly and may weaken further to a kilogram.

Quick and Easy Weight Loss, within two weeks

extreme weight loss

Quick and Easy Weight Loss, within two weeks

This article will address all want quick and easy weight loss. Will describe a very simple two-week weight loss program that will reach the desired figure absolutely natural.

Weight loss program consists of a rule, follow it precisely and achieve success:

During the program for weight loss eat three times a day.

Replace dinner with fruit and vegetables or some soup without bread. Dinner should be at oskadnoto eat during the day, because after dinner not perform who knows what movements should not combustible and no calories. Degradable food difficult when sleep due to the horizontal position of the body.

- After 19:30 any meal. Watch privarshili with you to dinner this time. It's for people with normal bedtime mode, which is also of great importance in weakening.

- After dinner, go out for a walk for about 30 minutes.

- Avoid dry foods.

- No hamburgers and sweets. Everyone knows why Americans suffer from obesity.

- Eat slowly and calmly. Mastication good food.

- Take 45 minutes of your day for physical exercises and loads.

- Never starving. Will benefit from starvation, except temporarily weaken and then incredibly spread. Eat so as to be City. During this program to weaken much do you exercise, which will require energy from food.

Follow these tips closely and will achieve much in these two weeks.

Eat healthy and never have problems with weight gain and overweight. Everyone needs a different amount of food. The quantity of food to take should be determined by yourself.

The only thing you need to know is not to excess and reduce some of the current amount, together with that increase physical activity. Not least poizpotite not weaken.

Naturally, if you change their diets and eat regularly and not less sustaining food will have an effect, but very slow.

To effectively weakening match correctly appropriate diet and exercise appropweight lossriate to it.

The good shape

Getting in good shape ...

With the warming of our time clothing becomes more sparingly and pounds accumulated during the winter began to date in thin trousers or short skirts. In the few days before departure you can break your figure, it not only will you notice it.

The first thing you need to do is to increase consumption of water in summer days body thrown us several times more water than in winter so it should provide in large quantities to prevent water scarcity.

Here's what you need to do to enter in a form for a short time.

- If your town has a park or quiet street drive at least 3-4 weeks Patty wheel.

- Walk more. Make frequent walks in the air. If you are near Mount grasp the golden opportunity that will be open on weekends to picnic out of the wild. Combine it with running or walking a few hours.

- Enjoy! If you love to shop for longer choose their purchases (the more the store explore the more calories you burn). Not up to your friends if you invite to a disco dancing burn really huge number of calories, but not take a lot of alcohol - it is very harmful to your diet and for your health condition.

- If you go to gym, do exercises at home - with them may direct very cool:). Recently there are many in aerobics clubs not be afraid and join one of them.

- Let me say something about food. We are trying to replace or dinner with a nice fresh fruit salad. Highlight the chicken meat and light foods, eat less bread. Replace the fuzzy drinks with natural juice. Do not push it.

And remember the more quickly you want to get in shape so more must get sweating. Ass to snap a squat. We encourage you to look and exercises available to weaken our page, where you'll find more useful exercises. If you are tenacious and mix well with the sport appropriate diet will achieve stunning results.

Good luck!

Exercises For Weight Loss

weight loss

Weight loss without exercise is like a car without fuel. Physical exercises are very useful for weight loss and good health.

The most common exercise used for the exercises are weakening its own weight, they develop all muscle groups:

Abdominal presses: each morning with the waking in bed do abdominal presses. You know yourself and your ability will determine how to do abdominal presses. Keep in mind that if you start doing 30 abdominal presses, after one week their number should be around 40-50. Personally, I do every morning of 50 presses and I feel really fresh. During the day may do more ... depends on your free time, but I am sure that 2 minutes will not disrupt your plans.

Push-ups: Also known much exercise to weaken. Do not leave to go more than 2 days in which you are not doing push-ups. They exert mainly breast muscles and triceps. But as mentioned above and exercises its own weight very tense muscle groups.

Running: If you are willing to run - izminavayki kilometers be quite sure you will forests fat fast. Certainly in the beginning there is no need to make major marathons important to start and will gradually increase the distance. In normal running izgaryate by about 100 calories for a mile.

Swimming: Certainly the views of all experts for swimming is that it is one of the best exercises for weight loss. With swimming relax while weakening, developing, and shaping beautiful стягате all muscles in your body, without absolutely no bruises - often encounters obstacles in sports. Normal swim faster pace you Forestry in more than 600 calories per hour.weight loss

Aerobics: For women seeking to weaken a good opportunity is just that occupation. Of course aerobics can enroll in any city. There under the direction of an experienced instructor will run different, for most people even naludnichavi exercises but very effective in reaching your goal. Of course in aerobics is not necessarily only women ... but in most cases they are concerned, unlike mazhete which focus on raw power and training
weight loss
For all who are too mazhe with beer is imperative to take in hand and to focus very hard over the fitness equipment. The dream of every woman is a beefy man, take 3 hours per week (3 times nai appropriate in day) and sbadnete as your dream and your half.

A woman also should not otbyagva the gym with the thought that went there it will get ugly MUSKULESTA figure some girls decided to make gavra with your body. Reach the muscle mass, which owns Miss Some magazine bodybuilding "is made with nothing but training, exercises and drills again ... rest a lot of stimulants that may not make more than 40-50 years of age. The body will get, regularly visiting the gym will be a Miss "a fashion magazine that is quite attractive.

Gold with a program that will weaken really fast:

1. Walk 2 times a week for a fitness class.

2. Twice a week visit the swimming pool for about 40-50 minutes (this is the time in which to swim without breaks .. not prekalyavayte with them)

3. Three times a week do drills with exercises its own weight, "Keep in mind that every morning abdominal presses are required. In these 3 training again include this exercise but not ruled it out this morning.

4. Weekly run.

5. Take one or two days in which to have any physical exercise because it makes the rest shampionat!

Simple Diets

weight loss

Simple Diets For Weight Loss ...

Weakening is a combination of proper diet and regular exercise. Like any new initiative that adequate diet at the beginning will require the concentration and effort, which must be made to achieve its objective, it is as broken car, which should push - off while efforts were significantly greater after Now is your diet grown momentum and become part of your life is only required to keep pace!

To gather speed your diet, you must follow one primary rule in life: "not to defer today's job tomorrow" - if you follow the diet decided to start now! - Making something now significantly strengthen your motivation and avoiding feel guilty of the variety of "If I had started before 2 months until now to be thin"

Since many people will say that today no appropriate diet products that seek to respect and defer to their diet tomorrow behold the simplest diet, which can start immediately:

- At the next meal eat 2 times less food than usual. (Not deprivation of bread, because it helps brain activity)
weight loss
- The Next meal, let it be with 2 times less salt and other spices! Here it is appropriate to mention that farmers give cattle to lick rock of salt to bid.

- A party to go 2 times drink less alcohol and 2 times above water.
Make these three steps today!

Diet in any case does not mean starvation. Diet is just a regular diet in a certain time and certain foods.

Here are some diets:

We will begin a three-day diet:

For three days eat the followings:

Breakfast: 2 hours before breakfast drink a cup of hot water with lemon (mix them). Then eat a toast with butter or one egg.

Lunch: boiled chicken with salad.

Dinner: Soup or broth without bread.
weight loss
I am not defining the time of your meal, you do this, but to note that an efficient diet should not consume food after 19:00. To not go to bed with bloated stomach from eating. In prostration food very slowly absorbed by the body. Quantity of food that will consume should also define themselves, to see you fed and in any case gorged.

Let me make an invalid shake, which consumed two hours before breakfast:

Products are necessary: a glass of mineral water, tea spoon of honey and a spoonful of apple vinegar. This dietary shake can be consumed within a week - two. Depends on how you a pleasant taste. Safe guess is that its taste is not particularly good, but weakening is a process that requires certain sacrifices.

Bon appetite!

Weight loss Naturaly

weight loss

How to remove excess fats from our body ...

Everyone wants a quick and effective weight loss ... maybe you! If they do not separate your eyes from the monitor and watch carefully the advice which will share with you. All this is explained clearly, accurately and without almost any terms. The only thing you need is this site and want to weaken.

Here you will find well-chosen exercises, tips and diets suitable for both men and women. Will start from the beginning and end with your beautiful body.

Enough time arrangements for the core part! - Let weaken. There are two rules, rather conditions without which it is impossible to take any such process of reduction:

1. Before weakening should know that this is not for a day or two. To lose weight require hard work, respect for proper diet, accompanied by exercises.

2. You must believe that it may weaken! Without faith, hope and belief in what we do, it is impossible to achieve, and what it is.

If you are not aware of these conditions will be caught in a vicious circle, without result. Answer these questions: "What I? And What am ready to give?" I really take some of their free time with them. I am sure that after you consider things fully motivated and are ready to give everything of themselves to achieve the best figure that dream.

Surely not for a few days, but the result is starting to feel more on the first day. Against this background, you get (beautiful body), which invest efforts are simply nothing. I realize how can weaken once you will never have problems with weight.

You Should work hard. But a work filled with diligence and desire is just fun. I lost weight with a smile! Do not take this as an obligation, but as entertainment.

Are you ready for the big step in your life?
weight loss
Several observations:

As already mentioned weakening is not a game nor lottery where relying on luck and others. Here everything is on your back and no one will do your work for you, and not wake up with 10 kilograms less, if you do not work consistently and without refusal.

Weakening is a process requiring all your attention and can not weaken when you have time or when you feel laziness. If you are not serious will not achieve anything except the opposite effect, unpleasant for us all, and to enjoy the progress will have to invest much.
weight loss