English diet for 21 days
Losing weight is 10 kg. In nestrogo adherence to the diet of weight reduction is 5-6 kg.
Belongs to a strict diet diets, it is necessary during the implementation to drink polivitamini.
It is best to apply once a year, as it is stressful to the body.
1 and 2 days
Breakfast: a glass of milk u piece of bread.
13.00 hours: a glass of milk.
16.00 hours: a glass of milk u piece of bread.
19.00 hours: a glass of milk.
Night before sleep - a glass of tomato juice.
3 and 4 days
Breakfast: coffee with milk without sugar, a piece of bread, half a spoonful of oil, half a spoonful of honey.
13.00: a cup of meat or fish broth, 150-200 g boiled meat, fish, 2 spoonfuls of green peas, 1 slice bread.
16.00: one glass of milk or tea, half a spoonful of honey.
19.00: 2 eggs or 50 g cheese or meat (fish) or postna ham, or a glass of milk, 1 piece of bread.
5 and 6 days
Breakfast: two oranges and two apples.
13.00: vegetable soup without potatoes, seasoned with 1 s. l. vegetable oil, salad with vegetable oil, 1 piece of bread.
16.00: free banana fruit.
19.00: salad, half a spoonful of honey, a cup of tea.
Then began repeating to 21 days.
In this first two days remain unchanged, and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 may be changed, ie instead of 3 and 4 to use the menu on 5 and 6 days (to have diversity in some sense).
* In the days milk bread can be prepicha;
* In the days of fish-meat diet is quite filling, so select a small amount of portions;
* If you do not like green peas, you can not use it.
* Acceptance of the food in a specific time can adjust it so that you to your convenience. For example, instead of dinner at 13.00 to amend it with 1 hours forward or back, etc.
How to leave the diet?
After the diet is the best out of it using milk day.
It is further to adhere to food intake in hours. This will help distsiplinirate yourself and your body, even if you have not achieved the desired result, but will also priuchite to follow moderation in diet strictly hourly and may weaken further to a kilogram.